Livin' The Life My Soul Intended

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Crock-pot of ideas....

Last summer I hired a life coach to help me get my life "together". Working with Jodi was the best gift to myself! Of course what I set out to work on was not what I ended up working on.... isn't that always the way. It's all the stuff that is hidden deep inside you that ends up coming to the forefront. I'll admit I've been living in fear. Fearful in my subconscious, not based on reality. Obviously I don't have a serial killer chasing me. It's livin' life in a "safe" way, no risks. All those famous old adages "If ain't broke, don't fix it", "Don't rock the boat", and from some friends I hear "Why would you want to quit your job. It pays well. What more do you need". My soul needs more.
I was chatting with a coworker today about fear. She is 10 years older than me. She wants to go back to school to be a hairdresser, to follow her passion. She looks at me and says "Don't be me in 10 years, talking to someone younger than yourself convincing them to take a risk and follow their dreams. I wish I had started this sooner. I don't have children and I want my fulfillment to come from my career...". I have to tell you this conversation shook me up. I really don't want to be in this position 10 years from now.
What does Katherine love... I love decorating, make-up, being with people, I love health and wellness, I'm great at sales - but I don't want to sell just anything, I'm a visual person and I'm stimulated by art/crafts/texture/fabrics/color, I'm a girly girl and love pretty smelling stuff like aromatherapy(love Saje the store!) and there is something about health food stores.... it reminds me of my grandma who was always into alternative treatments for wellness. My crock-pot is full with yummy stuff, I guess it's time to let it simmer and see what bubbles up first! Katherine

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

And so it begins...

Why am I here? I am here to share my journey. Let me begin with a little background information about yours truly.... I have been breathing on this planet for 32 years. I've lived all over British Columbia, but I call Richmond home currently. I have been working in a group home with adults who have physical and mental disabilities for the past 6 years. It's been a real privilege to serve the 5 adults that I work for. The lessons I've learned from them are many! They inspire me on a daily basis with their courage and love for life.

The reason I've started this blog is to have a diary that will track my journey of life. I am searching for many things and I am trying to find the courage to pursue new dreams. I'm inspired by so many people and I look forward to finding my passion(s). Of course I already have a few.... but I would love to create a business that inspires me and will use my talents as well us create some new ones! I have no idea where this journey will lead, but I have no doubt it will be an organic experience. I'm excited about the process! Thank you all for visiting my little corner of the world! I look forward to hearing from you!
