Livin' The Life My Soul Intended

Monday, January 08, 2007


One of my Christmas gifts this year was the complete season of Firefly. It ran only one season, which is a real shame. I had seen the movie Serenity just this past year and loved it! I had no idea that it was a tv series! I was very happy to receive this gift. I've been watching the shows like crazy! I LOVE IT! It's like a western/pirate/sci-fi comedy all rolled up in one delicious hour. There are rumors flying that they may bring the tv series back because the movie was so popular. I hope that is true!!!!

I start night shifts tonight. Ugh. 11-7am... and 5 of them.... I'll be ok if I get good sleeps! My challenge this week is to go to the gym and workout and eating properly. In the past eating on a night shift consisted of grilled cheese sandwiches, kraft dinner, chips.... all the greasy stuff. I'll let you know how I do!


At 8:11 PM, Blogger Rhonda said...

Good luck on your nights Kath - you're a trooper. Just think of the quiet aloneness while your there - at least you won't be annoyed by co-workers. Hey, can I borrow your Firefly dvd's when you're done? I'll take good care of them....

At 3:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You don't know what you are missing - let it snow, let it snow ! Don't worry about your "very cute car". Your dad had his own personal aquasize instructor today as no one else showed up for the class. Really enjoy your cute pictures but reading your blog is special.


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