Livin' The Life My Soul Intended

Sunday, March 18, 2007


Today my good friend Whanduz and I went to 10th Avenue Alliance church today. In today's message, what stood out to me was the importance of community/support from people who are in a like minded mentality(hopefully for the good!). The importance of affirmations was brought up, which I think has more power than we give it credit for. I think about all the negative thoughts that enter my mind on an ongoing basis, and it truly shocks me. I definitely want to work on positive affirmations. I'm truly beginning to see the fruit from the great friendships I have in my life. I've prayed for a long time to be surrounded by people who truly love me for me. Who shared similar thoughts and who also could challenge me too. I've been blessed with a central core that I pray continues to grow in such a beautiful organic way. Rhonda gave me some great ideas today, that I can't wait to start. I'm going to create a visual journal to capture the growth that I am experiencing. We are going to start a whole foods network on facebook, which I think will be a very encouraging/inspiring/motivating group. We can share recipes, share struggles, share victories, am I ever pumped! Well I'm off to do some creating!!!! Live well my friends.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Wellness Show

This weekend I went to the Wellness Show in Vancouver. It was amazing! The first day, I went to see Cory Holly speak and Mariel Hemingway. Cory Holly spoke about achieving your ideal body weight, in a holistic way. It was very motivating and interesting. What stood out to me is that food is a drug to many of us. I know for a fact that is for me. What's crazy is that I've been "dieting" forever. A good friend of mine and I always have said that eating is like drugs to us. To have that fact confirmed was such a relief! Here I thought my problem has been that I lacked motivation, or I just wasn't committed enough. That I'm destined to be overweight. Cory mentioned how it's never spinach or broccoli that we crave and binge on, it's the french fries/chips/ice cream/cookies/pizza...... If I sat down and pigged out on apples, how many could I really stuff in my face, and would it quell that "need". Fascinating! This really changes alot about how I will view my binges(cause it's not going to stop overnight) and how I can drop the addiction and replace with healthier choices. Whenever I think about my weight(which is quite often), I know that I use it as an excuse to not pursue dreams and ambitions. I get really discouraged when I know that I need to get "serious" about losing the weight. I think to myself "Here I go again, cut back the calories to 1600, exercise 6 days a week blah, blah, blah". I anticipate grumpiness and starvation/deprivation. Ok, so I'm quite gung ho right now, because I am not going to limit the amount of veggies/fruit I eat. I'm going to eat lots of healthy food. I will attempt to avoid as much as I can the following items: refined sugar/wheat(it's a real baddy for me)/processed anything(ice cream/McD's/Tim H.)/pork/red meat. I will eat produce in abundance(thank you Ladybug!!!) and in general eat lots of whole foods (brown rice/chicken/salmon/trout/oatmeal/quinoa). I'll keep you posted. I'm going to journal my moods with the food too. I really want to beat this addiction! So here it goes!!!!!!